Thursday, March 1

Is it Purim Yet?

Boruch Hashem Cucumber is feeling a little better BUT because it is before Purim and she missed so much school, I feel I have to pick up the slack and teach her about the holiday myself.
The story went fine but the songs- eh, eh (hand swivel)
Apparently, my memory is worse than I thought.
I sang her the ‘Purim song’ as I remembered it, and it went something like this:

King Achashverosh liked nosh that smelled like feet
He begged his wife Vashti for some
She had many Corn Chips
A hundred at least
And said “I won’t give you even one!”

I knew something was up when my little girl looked up at me as if I was Tom Cruise jumping on her sofa. “Mummy” she said, “I don’t think it goes like that” and she sang me the real version, which I must admit makes much more sense.
Now I recall why I never became a teacher.
Never mind, it’s your kids loss.

Anyhoo, Purim is almost upon us and my theme is ready.
This year’s theme is theWizard of Oz.
I am the wicked witch, obviously.
Hubby is the scarecrow.
(Artichoke is in the US, spending time with my Favourite Fruits)
Cucumber is the good witch
Radish is a gladiator and Tomato is a Pirate- think poetic license or Venahafoch Hu
And Asparagus will be the Lion.
Asparagus HAD to be the lion because she is growing her naturally curly, stunning blonde hair for Zichron Menachem, who make wigs for children with cancer. Her hair is almost two feet long from scalp to end and with a mane like that, she HAD to be the lion!

Oh, I do adore Purim. After Sukkos, Purim is easily my favourite holiday.
Well, you can’t sit in a Shalach Manos for seven days, can you?
But before you lock me up, just know that there are others like me out there!
Yes, they do exist!
We are a secret society that actually enjoy THE most hectic day of the year. But then again, I also love making Pesach, but that’s another story…

My kids love the whole build up to Purim. In fact, they will start preparing next years Purim costumes, while sorting out their Purim nosh this year. And that’s another thing, Boruch Hashem that Pesach comes so soon after Purim, otherwise my kids would have authentic British teeth, if you catch my drift.

When I was younger, I was much more into the whole earth-mother-who-makes her-own-costumes thing. Well, it was the closest I will ever get to growing my own vegetables. Even though I tell myself not to feel guilty about that, apparently London fog and smog is only really good if you want to grow glow in the dark zucchinis. Anyhoo, I used to sew, and create costumes and find satisfaction in doing so. Nowadays, I get satisfaction if I remember to cut Tomato’s and Cucumber’s fingernails. So, it’s off the costume store for us.

I’m just grateful that costumes have evolved since the Stone Age, when I was a child. I used to hate those plastic masks with the rubber band that always came out of the staples. I also hated the way my face would get all hot and sweaty from breathing in my own air. I was always sure that those little tiny cut out mouths were meant for a goyta who was much more refined than I was and didn’t have nearly as large of a mouth.

We are having the seuda in our house but my lovely sisters in law are cooking everything and leaving me to do my favourite part: the dessert. I put out black tablecloths and assembled a yellow brick path winding over the tables. I also have all the accessories on the table; such as Toto in a basket, the emerald city in a vase, ruby red shoes, medal of bravery, etc..

The way it works is that my brother in law is the bouncer and gives out £1 charity vouchers to the collectors but allows the entertaining groups in who get the big bucks. No one in my family drinks much, so apart from the de rigour Purim L’chaim, BH there’s no vomit or drunken behaviour in my house.

So unless you behave yourself, and have a routine, you ain’t getting in.
But I might make an exception if you have corn chips.


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Bas~Melech said...

Hey, I'm first!

I have corn chips, I'm coming!!!

It's about time someone's blogging a positive attitude about Purim. Did I ever mention that you're the greatest?

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She may be first, but I want to be in line to get my "British Teeth" at K's place. I'm sure its quite a feast.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Sarah Likes Green said...

sounds so exciting... when i grow up i wanna have a theme for purim. it just makes it so much more fun.

this year though, I'll be checking out the persian palace across the road... i saw the decorations in progress, it's crazy!!

At 11:49 PM, Blogger tafka PP said...

"British Teeth"?!

Ahem, Madam Wicked Witch of North-West London- FYI I have *no* fillings! Put that in your American-cavitied mouth and chew on it!

At 12:11 AM, Blogger RaggedyMom said...

Yum, corn chips.

This year we're making the seuda since my sister-in-law had a last-minute oven bust-up. I agree with you, I kind of like the hectic pressured momentum. Though not on a regular basis.

Your theme is clever - what else would I expect!?

Enjoy your Purim!

At 1:37 AM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

That is so cute you are lucky your kids cooperate and still are willing to dress up, great that there isn't much drinking. Have an awesome Purim.

At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...




At 4:18 PM, Blogger Scraps said...

I love Purim! I love all of the craziness and running around and preparing and everything. I've been buying stuff for my mishloach manot for weeks, and I can't wait to give it all away so it will be out of my room! But I'm proud of myself for being able to have eleventy-million calories worth of junk food in my room and I haven't touched a bite. ;)

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Nemo said...

Do bloggers get special entrance? Like, if I say I'm Nemo will the let me in? Even without an act?

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Pragmatician said...

I should've known you wouldn't pass up on an occasion to get all dressed up.
The wicked witch of the west? Did you scare a lot of munchkins:)?

I certainly agree that it's the kids' loss you are not a teacher. I can't remember a single teacher with something akin to a sense of humor.

At 7:11 AM, Blogger Bonnie B said...

You are the greatest, pass the corn chips

At 2:57 PM, Blogger southernyid said...

Youve inspired me to post on my blog again!!!!!!!!!!

At 2:03 PM, Blogger southernyid said...

THank you, I alweays enjoyed tyour posts and looked forward to each one knowing it would bring a few minutes of enjoyment to an otherwise hectic day.

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